Thursday, July 14, 2011

On nodding, smiling, and rolling with it

Each department has a summer camp--an overnight trip to a beach resort not far from here, running and playing in the sand, playing learning games, and then packing up and being home by lunch.
The lady in charge of the Prattom English Department planned out a great trip: maybe three weeks ago, she asked us to come up with games for the trip, which would happen next weekend (July 22). The students would be in small groups, 6 or 8, and the activities would have to last 30-40 minutes, then we'd switch. Last week, there was much hubbub over selecting students, and it boiled down to sheer aptitude. Only the best in terms of attitude and, secondarily, comprehension were invited, so there would be a group of sixty or eighty hand-picked students who would enjoy a free trip. Sounds great, right?
Then one of the big boss men got word of it.
No, you need to have a couple hundred students and fifteen farangs. I'll send all the new faculty from the EP.

Which brings us to the beginning of this week: 8 workdays from the camp, one weekend away, we get word that someone called the resort and it's full so we'll reschedule sometime in August.

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