Friday, December 31, 2010
More asses
Learning Thai
On Diving
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
It's just that....
Bangkok Scenes
Bangkok Christmas
It's 1900 and I'm in a place where the half dozen girls on the bar outnumber the johns. The next guy down, one bench over and one level below me in the stadium-style benches and bartables loves the ratio as he leans and whops and pounds down triple-priced beers. He is louder than the music thumping from speakers in the back toward a TV blaring from above the front door.
I wish I could say more about it, especially enthusiastically, but there's something about watching a girl watch TV while mechanically stepping from side to side in rhythm with a music only she hears while pulling off a tankini by disinterestedly automatic stages that kills the Christmas spirit, especially when she's wearing a Santa hat. Thanks for the effort, but I wish you hadn't tried....
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A reminder to drink bottled water
to see one blue 18mm PVC pipe come into the bathroom and split to
service the nozzle over the drum of water (you keep a 55 gal drum in
the bath at all times--very handy when the power or water are on a
break), the ass hose where a westerner would reach for toilet paper
("and do I like the ass nozzle or toilet paper? Ask my hemorrhoids."),
the toilet tank, the urinal, and finally to the sink.
There's just something about the sink being downstream from the toilet
that gives me the willies.
I've been here too long.
I forgot to mention the drainage. As you enter the square of blue
tile, the blue pipe is at 12 o'clock with the toilet, urinal and sink
at 2, 3, and 4. There's a drain at 10, which the w'rn mind takes to be
for cleanimg purposes. Heh.
The sink does have a downpipe. And that is all. Everything that ends
up in the bathroom sink drains across the bathroom floor to a hole in
a gray water drainpipe. Well, bronze water, maybe--the urinal's outlet
is just downstream. But the toilet is on another system entirely, so
breathe easy. And don't think about the other bathroom being right
I say I've been here too long not because I sometimes don't think
about these things but because I'm greatful for a sink, period, and
because a urinal with just a downpope is much much worse than no
urinal at all, and much more common than bears recounting. It's just
that it's so easy to pee in an open hole or squat toilet that my brain
doesn't accept putting in a urinal that drains straight onto your
toes. Especially since most people wear flipflops.
Welcome to Thailand.
Sent from Speedy the ipod.
Silly me: a revelation
"Yeah, man, as long as I'm here I'll be a decent teacher, but that's definitely not why I came."
"No kidding. Like, I won't suck, but teaching is not the priority when it's so cheap to travel around."
"And so easy to make the hookup." (Referring to reefer type hooking up, but the romantic sort can't be discounted.)
And as the conversation progressed, it turns out there are two basic sorts of teachers: those who can live like royalty on poverty-level investment returns back Stateside, and those who dig the jungle rave ethos. A third class--those who married native and live here with somewhat stronger ties than the rest of us--is generally not present for such discussions, but happened to be present based on the official summons. The ones who spoke up said, essentially, that accidents happened and they ended up keeping on because there wasn't any good reason not to.
Which makes a lot of sense, now that I'm here to hear it--Thailand's a place to party, who'da thought? But, like the whole "nobody fails, no matter what," it would've been really nice to know about this up front.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
And a happy new year
Learning and learning
On Testing
questions we've been drilling all term, there are fewer hints shouted
from the peanut gallery. And it progressively crushes me to see the
blank faces and embarrassed states and "gotta go" hopping in place.
Better for all involved to circulate in a cluster of whispers and
accept that the hints will exist no matter what I do.
Sent from Speedy the ipod.
Monday, December 20, 2010
More education
token exchange student as a representative of the rest of the world.
Let Token speak for himself and maybe people in his town, but don't
hold him to a culture across the continent or beyond.
But this is Thailand and I'm not the token in back but the focus up
front. I represent the English speaking world, and I stepped into the
post willingly, if not really knowingly. So now I represent Australia
and South Africa as much as America and speak for Oxford as much as
Chicago and as an obsessive academic who actually read the new
editions of the MLA and Chicago manuals, it gives me great
consternation because here at the American Missionary College the
English Programme uses proper Oxford English. And while I have no
compunctions about ignorance of cricket and no prospect of an
opportunity to use the knowledge, it bugs the hell out of me that I
couldn't properly format a research paper on A4 paper.
Sent from Speedy the ipod.
Welcome to which century?
to record a regular magnetic tape and make an outlet work, I can bring
electronics to the classroom.
So that's what the extra EP bucks bring: not cheezee karaoke disks but
transport to the electronic age.
Sent from Speedy the ipod.
More Matters of Education
least a 50% just before walking into a dark, empty classroom.
Sent from Speedy the ipod.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
On Haircuts
Saturday, December 18, 2010
KISS in action

Friday, December 17, 2010
More on street food

And here's the menu. Amazing what's possible with a few ingredients and ingenuity.
Column 1
1-7: drinks
Bier Sing.... Bier Heineken
Bier Chang.... Bier Leo
Sang Som...Mekong...HongTong...MuangTong
NamPlaiLuSa...NamKaeng (water firm: ice)...???
GratongDeng...NamYen (cold water)...PaiSad...Buree (cigarette)
NamAdLom...Lek (small)...Yai (large)
8-17: soup. “Tom” means “Boiled,” and in practice, TomSab, TomKhlong, and TomYam are the same spicy-sour base. LakJim is a clear, non-spicy soup.
TomSabKrongNi (Boiled broth inside filter: tripe) Muo (pork)... Nua (beef)
TomSabNuaSod (Beef Fresh)... TomSod (spicy soup) Wua (cow)... Muo (pork)
TomSabGai (Spicysoup Chicken)... TomSabGradohnOhn (TomSab Bones Fresh/tender: riblets)
TomKhlongBlahKugYang (Boiled poetry fish prison barbecue: poetic mix of fish grilled in wire baskets in a spicy broth)... TomKhlongGung (TomKhlong Shrimp)
TomKhlongGaiYang (TomKhlong Chicken BBQ)... TomYamRuamMik (TomYam Mixed Seafood)
TomYamBlaKapong (TomYam Seabass)...???
TomYamHoiBlah (TomYam Shellfish)... TomYamGung (TomYam Prawn)
TomYamHongTaLeh (TomYam Seafood)... TomHongKrungNiWua (TomHong Cow Tripe)...Muo
LakJimKrungNiWua (Scalded Dipped Inside Filter Cow: non-spicy tripe soup)... Muo
LakJimMaSod KobSod (LakJim tender/raw or day-cured)... Muo... Taleh (seafood)
18-28: Yam is the word for salads with chili-lime dressing
YamFaiDok (Yam skin break: salad of cured fish skins)... YamRuamMidtTaleh (Yam Mixed Seafood)
YamKrungNiMuo (Yam Insides Pork)...Nua
YamWunSenRuamMidt (Yam Bean Thread Mix)... YamBlahMeukSod (Yam Fish Ink Raw: Yam Raw Squid)
YamHoiDiRong (Yam shellfish)... YamDaKrai (Yam Lemongrass)
YamHetKhowRuamMidt (Yam Mushroom White Mixed)... YamMeukRob (Yam Ink Round: Squid rounds)
YamMaMa (Yam Mama Noodles: Ramen)... YamKaiDtom (Yam Egg Boiled)... YamGungPuh (Yam Prawn Tassles)
YamBlaMeukFoiMaMuang (Yam squid Tassels Mango: shredded green mango with fresh squid)...YamMeukfoi (Yam ink tassel)
YamBlahDukFooMaMuang (Yam Catfish Crack'lins mango)...YamKaiMuangDaTaLeh (Yam Egg Mango Seafood: Yam mango/caviar)
YamLebMuhNang (Yam Toenails Cured: pickled pig's feet)...YamSahmGrob (Yam Three Flavors)
YamSaiDom (Yam Transparent Boiled: Yam boiled tendon) … YamSaiOohn (Yam Tendon Tender)... YamYai (Yam large)
YamKohMuoYangHuaPrao (Yam Throat Pork BBQ Coconut)... YamSuhRohngHahiHuaPrao (Yam connect weep coconut)
Muo-Gung SaDung (Pork-prawn piled prawn)... GungSaGungLin (Prawn Piled Prawn Tongue)
MuoMaNao (Pork Lime-cured)... GaiMaNao (Chicken Lime Cured) … MeukMaNao (Ink Manao)
BlaKaPongMaNao (Catfish Manao)... YamKaiYiowMah (Yam Egg Piss Horse: Yam Salty eggs)
GungSahb (Prawns spiced soup)... PlaGung (Salad Prawns)... PlaHoi (Salad Shellfish)
GungChaeNamBlah (Prawn Soaked Water Fish: prawns with fish sauce)...TodManGung (Fried Firm Prawn)
SaiTonTodGraTiem (Intestines Fried Garlic)... Muo, Nua, TodGratiem (Fried Garlic)
KaoGreApTod (White chips fried: prawn crisps)... MekMaMuangTod (Pills Mango Fried: mango seeds)
TuaKiem (Peanuts Salty)... TuaSahmGrua (Peanuts Three Flavor) Muo, Neua DaedDiow (Cured sunlight)
NokTodGratiem: (Bird Fried Garlic)...MeukChoopFangTort (Ink Dipped Crumbs Fried: calamari tempura)
GungChoopFangTort (Prawn Tempura) … GaiTortNamBlah (Chicken Fried Water Fish: battered chicken with fish sauce)
GaiTodGrob (Chicken Fried crisp/brittle/frame/border) … GradungOonTort (Bone Tender Fried)
HoiKrengPao (Shellfish charred)... Lek (small)
HoiMalengPob... Pao (Charred)... BlaPaoGlua (Fish Charred Salt)
SugIsaan (Cooked Isaan) Muo, Gai, Nua, Taleh
KaiYeahowNamPadGraPao (Egg Light Water Stirfried Basil) … Gung, Boh (Crab)... ObWanSen (Roast Day String)
KaiPadMekMaMuang (Chicken Stirfried Mango)... KaiJiow, KaiMokDeng (Fried Eggs, egg ant red: fried ant larvae)
BlaKapongJianSamRod (Seabass dipped three flavor) … Gung ???
SeeFudPadNamPrikPao (Seafood Stirfried Water Chili Fire) … GungKeet (Coconut Prawns)
BeekGaiYang (Wing Chicken BBQ)... GaiYang (Chicken BBQ)
Column 2
PadPak (stirfried veggies) Gung, Blah, Mook, MuoBah (Pig forest)
GangJeutWunSen (Soup mild/tasteless bean thread)... KaiJiowMuo, Gung, Boh (egg fry: omlette)
GangKowBohDahm (Soup light crab black).... GangKowMuo
GangSoom (Sour yellow curry) Gung, Boh, Blah.... GungObGlua (Prawn Roast Salt)
BoPadPonGaree (Crab Stirfried Powdered Curry).... BoPadGeet (Crab Stirfried Coconut)
BoPadPrikTaiTam (Crab Stirfried Pepper Free Mouthful: crab with fresh green peppercorns).... PadBengFaiDeng (Stirfried Slit Fire Red)
GangMuoGrob (Soup Pork Crisp/brittle/frame/border).... BlahMookYang, Gung, Boh (Fish Ink BBQ)
BlahDukYang (Catfish BBQ).... Tok (fried).... LukChinYang (Fishballs BBQ)
KrungNighYang (Inside Filter BBQ).... KohMuoYang (Throat Pig BBQ)
NamDokNeua (Water Fall Beef: BBQ strips with chili lime).... NamDokMuo.... NamDokBed (Waterfall Duck)
NamDokGai.... NeoYangDidMan (Clean/plain BBQ Spread Firm)
SuaRongYang (Tiger Crying BBQ).... Tok (deep fried)
LinYangMuo (Tongue BBQ Pork).... LinYangNeua (Tongue BBQ Beef)
LinTokMuo (Tongue Fried Pork).... LinTokNeua
HaehNamYang (Fishnet Water Grilled).... SegLekMuo (Meatball Pork)... Neua
DabMuoYang (Liver Pork BBQ).... DabNeuaYang (Liver Beef BBQ)
SaiKrogMuoWahn-Ped-Briow (Intestines Pork Sweet-Spicy-Sour)
NeuaTub (Beef Bashed)... MuoTub (Pork Bashed)... MahMaMuoYang (MaMa Pork BBQ: Ramen Noodles with BBQ pork).... MahMaNeuaYang (Mama Noodles with BBQ Beef)
MahMaTok (MaMa Noodles Fried).... MuoFai (Pork Spray/fiber/filament)
20-24, Lahb: spicy meat salad, usually mincemeat, with chili-lime-garlic-onion juice
LahbMuo (Mincedmeat Pork).... LahbNeua (Mincedmeat Beef).... LahbTok (Mincedmeat Fried).... LahbGai (Mincedmeat Chicken)
LahbBlahDuk (Mincedmeat Catfish).... LahbBlahKapong (Mincedmeat Sea Perch).... Lahb Sod (Mincedmeat fresh/tender)
NaahmGraDukOhn (Pickled Pork Cartiledge).... LahbMahMaMuo...Neua (Lahb with Mama noodles)
LahbMuoGrob (Mincedmeat Pork Crisp/brittle/frame/border).... LahbRuamMookTaleh (Mincedmeat Mixed Seafood)
LahbKaiMookDeng (Mincedmeat Egg Ant Red).... LahbNaahmLohd (Mincedmeat Pickled Pork Pipe)
YamNaahmSok (Yam PickledPork Fresh/tender).... GoiMuoSok (Toenails Pork Fresh/tender).... GoiNeuaSok (Toenails Beef Fresh/tender)
SibNeauNiSiMuo (Zipper....Pork)....Neua
Kob Wen Neua...Muo
28-33: Som Tam is a salad that begins with pulverizing garlic and chilis with fish sauce, lime, and palm sugar, then adding structural components
SomTamTaiBoh (SomTam Free Crab: green papaya salad with lime-chili-garlic-fish sauce dressing and fresh crab).... BoMa (Crab Horse)
SomTamMaMuangSaiBoh (Somtam Mango With Crab).... SomTamKaiDeng (Somtam Egg Red)
SomTamBlahRua (SomTam Fish Leak).... SomTamDengSaiBo (SomTam Red With Crab)
SomTamTai (SomTam Free).... SomTamBo.... (Somtam Crab).... SomSow
SomTamFaLang (SomTam Ripe Mango).... SomTamBlahDukFoo (SomTam Catfish Cracklins)
SomTamMuoYang.... SomTamRuamMookTaleh
34-46, Khao: Rice
KhaoNiow (Rice Sticky).... KhaoSuay (Rice Pretty/Attractive)
SenKaNohmJinBlah (Stringer sticky-rice-noodle-with-sauce fish)
KhaoPadRuamMook (Rice Fried Seafood).... KhaoPadBoh
KhaoPadGung.... KhaoPadBlahMook
KhaoPadPrikMuo (Rice Stirfried Pepper Pork).... Gai
KhaoPadPrikGung.... BlahMook
KhaoPadGrapaoMuo (Rice Stirfried Garlic Pork).... Gai
KhaoPadGrapaoGung.... BlahMook
KhaoPadGaBee (Rice Stirfried Sword)
KhaoMuoDeng (Rice Pork Red: rice with sweet BBQ pork).... KhaoManGai (Rice Firm Chicken)
KhaoManGrob (Rice Firm Crisp/brittle/frame/border).... GaoLaoKrungNighMuo (Scratch/drag Sharpen/whittle Inside Filter Pork)
RadNaTaleh, Muo, Gai (Rad Nah: Noodles with pan gravy)
Pad See Ew, Gai, Gung, Muo, Ruam Mook (Thai version of chow mein)
Brief Glossary
Blah: Fish
Blah Duk: Catfish
Blah Kapong: Seabass
Blah Meuk: “fish ink,” squid
Boh: Crab
Gai: Chicken
Gang: soupy/brothy
Gung: shrimp/prawns
Kai: egg
Muo: Pork
Nam Blah: water fish—fish sauce
Nam: water
Naahm: Pickled pork
Nahm: milk (Don't ask me to differentiate)
Neua/Nua: Beef
Pad: stirfried
Pak: cooking veggies (a specific subset I can't pin down: “Pak” does not contain any component of “salad,” mushrooms, tubers, or aromatics [which are stirfried in other dishes], but it isn't just the leafy cooking kale and cabbage).
Prik: Birdseye chili pepper
Ruam Midt: “Collected Friends”--some of each
Taleh: Seafood
Tok/Tod: deep fried
Tom: boiled
Wua (“woo-ah”): cow
Yam: spicy chili-lime dressing
Yang: BBQ
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
On Midterms
Sunday, December 12, 2010
On Rainstorms

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Frying pan to fire?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
An interesting turn
New system
Now there are no defined muscles, and the painfully worming veins are receeding. Now I have angry pink scars: starburst around the orgin of my right deltoid, something near to a swoosh mark on the outside of my right elbow (already did it, thanks), uneasy skid marks on the inside of either elbow and along each wrist, a small nova on the back of my left hand, an angry and upraised line down the back of my ring finger, a deep mezzaluna chunk crushed from my left pinkie finger, the cheshire-cat smile on the right side of my waist, the cell-phone-shaped patch of skin that rubbed off my right hip, little novae on either knee, and a line shooting down my right shin.
Who knows what happened to the insides as I hit the 40 kilo line.
I miss running and jogging, but yesterday I carried my tuba and a similarly-heavy bag up the four long flights of stairs to my room, so that's an improvement. And that's the regret I allow myself.
What I have instead are beacons for curious little fingers. Students--mine or otherwise--are fascinated by the whitish skin, blond hair, and especially by the bright pink scars. Even more so by the scabs, but here's hoping those stay at a minimum.
What I have, if I allow it, are beacons that draw curious students and open up rudimentary conversations. And even if I don't have the muscles to show that I'm other than a skinny white teacher, I have the memories, and the hope to one day be such again, and in the meantime, I have a crowd of people trying to figure out who I am, where I've been, and what I'm about, and it's my job to foster that.
Widdershins sort of approach, but I'll call it a win.
On Songtaus and Acculturation
There was a songtau driver standing on the sidewalk. He had just finished pissing on the curb and blowing his right nostril. He was mining for gold in the left when he burped resoundingly.
He saw me picking at a chunk of something in my teeth.
And I was the one being uncouth.
There's a lot to be learned from songtau drivers, actually. I keep flashing to a scene in Ayutthaya: in the middle of the historic park, between Khmer-style ruins, there was a lineup of songtaus sitting out the afternoon doldrums. Most of the drivers were in hammocks slung between the trees lining the avenue built in time immemorial. A few sat in folding chairs around a folding table scattered with lunchtime detritus.
I walked past the next afternoon. A peach of an afternoon thunderhead was billowing up. It appeared that the same drivers were parked in the same spots, but the hammocks were slung in the backs of their rigs.
And otherwise they spend the full day--anytime from an hour before dawn to whenever the farangs quiet down--in their rigs, trolling for ten-baht rides.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Call it the tough love approach to Buddhism.
What's in a name
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Half a year later
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Things you don't see everyday