Generally, I avoid pulp editions: flip over a mass market paperback and check out the ISBN/barcode area (not the same thing), and if there's an X in the triangle, it's what the bibliophilic world calls a strip cover. Instead of returning the book to the publisher to be remaindered and shuttled off to a discount seller, some poor sod has to rip off its cover and send THAT back while avoiding the federal offense of putting the remaining book to any use beyond toilet paper to-be.
But, well, I've read the trilogy once, in the last edition before the movies made a sweep. And I have a second edition, first printing waiting for me. I think. Somewhere.
I've always been bibliophilic, collecting strange and rare and interesting reads, but in recent years I haven't been much of a reader. Grad school and multiple jobs and life sucked up most of the time and interest I had in anything requiring more investment than a comic book.
But, well, I just finished the trilogy, and found that I actually enjoy reading. Again.
Fortuitous timing, too: the bag I schlepped up the stairs yesterday? A goodly part of the weight can be explained by War and Peace and a beautiful hardbound edition of Les Mis (which will be making a one-way flight home with my tuba, hopefully: the rest of the books I can leave to mildew amid an appreciative audience, but that one, and some of the more obscure small-print local history books, I want to save).
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