Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From dreamland....

I have a couple weeks off in march, and I'm working on what to do with
them. What wierds me out is being so close to places so foreign and
otherworldly. Diving off the coast of Burma or the Philippines?
Mountains in Nepal or India?
I found myself browsing maps of places I'd barely heard of and
certainly couldn't have placed were I not looking at a map, places
with very real travel warnings against Westerners-maybe Kashmir isn't
the best place for me to go looking for some easy living, especially
with the other ten countries easily accessed from here.
Is the diving better in the Maldives or Malaysia? How's the exchange
in Indonesia vs Burma?
And then there are the package tours-5 days/4 nights in Taipei, Tokyo
Seoul Delhi Jakarta Singapore Hong Kong Beijing Hanoi Phnom Penh
Angkor Wat, anywhere Air Asia flies with a pretty killer rate on air
and accommodation.
"Well, I'm rying to decide between diving the Similans, visiting
Taipei, or going to the Himalaya"
Who says that?

And here's the surreal part: the sleeping part of my mind says PINCH
ME while the waking part says 'you've already been jump kicked in the
nads' and the purely rational part says 'three weeks with nothing to
do-why not?'

I just hope thar if I DO wake up, the food is just as good.

Sent from Speedy the ipod.

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