Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I should not say anything for fear of a jinx, but I speak (or write, as it were) out of joy that I think others might share--I received a job offer from my #2 choice for future employment!
I had to decline based on a start date of no later than the first week of September, but what a relief:
-There IS another job out there, in an economy with a lucrative exchange rate
-The TEFL certificate helped open the doorway to tertiary teaching in the said economy
-Presumably, other doors will be opened, especially if I'm applying for second semester and able to start in a hurry, which has the facet implication of easing the worries about a trip home to recoup.

The trick now is to find a global/traveler insurance policy that will take me now, cover me at home, and not disappear in the next gig, and spend the next month doing my utmost to outweigh a fully-loaded tuba case.

And the news on that front is that the doc has been leaning increasingly toward treating symptoms and just trying to get me better, so maybe now, after the full-system followthrough scans, if she doesn't say "here's what it is" she'll put forward the metaphoric cork and (maybe not so metaphoric) steroids.

Sent from Brutus the iPad

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